Home for Good

The Project: A poured concrete ADA compliant wheelchair ramp & improvements to Rob & Nina's home exterior

Nina and Rob Robertson meeting with Jerry Tyrrell and Jake Manderfield of Dexter Builders at their home in June 2023.


Rob Robertson and his wife, Nina, have found themselves in a difficult situation as a result of Rob’s recent double leg amputations. Their Ypsilanti home lacks a wheelchair ramp, causing Rob to have to pull himself up and down the stairs on towels while Nina moves the wheelchair separatley. Dexter Builders and the BRAG Remodelers Council have been organizing suppliers and workers to construct a wheelchair ramp over the past year. They have applied for permits and plan to build the poured concrete ramp in September.

With a grant from the BRAG Ann Arbor Foundation for $6,500, plus material and volunteer donations, we are still short of what is needed to complete the project. Please contact us to donate monetarily, with materials, or to volunteer to help do these life-changing home improvements.

Support Home for Good!

- Face-time in video documenting the project 
- Home for Good  Sponsor Certificate
- Company or individual's name listed in video credits
- Logo online with link
- Home for Good  Sponsor Certificate
- Company or individual's name listed in video credits
- Logo online with link
- Company or individual's name listed in video credits
- Logo online with link
- Company or individual's name listed online & link

BRAG Ann Arbor Foundation PR Goals:

• Parade of Homes book announcement of project (June ‘23)
• Publicized in articles, radio/podcast interviews, video, & social media, etc.
• Remodelers Home Tour magazine will feature supporters (October '23)
• Remodelers Council Directory will feature supporters in (March '24)
• Recognition here!

Materials & volunteers:
Jerry Tyrrell, Dexter Builders

Financial donations - Checks preferred, if possible. Please make checks payable to The BRAG Ann Arbor Foundation
Attn: Pete Nowakowski

You may also donate securely online with using the button below: 

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- BRONZE Supporters-

Dina Gilson, Info Plus Accounting


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